The ultimate minimalist packing list

When it starts to get serious, the date of take off gets closer and closer, it is time to start packing. For me, packing is always the most annoying part about travelling but it needs to be done. It can be quite helpful reading packing lists, especially when travelling to regions you have never been … Continue reading The ultimate minimalist packing list

Leonardo da Vinci – „Experience a masterpiece“ – von Nicole Guether


Die National Gallery würdigt eines ihrer wichtigsten Werke mit einem Ausstellungskonzept, das gewagt bis mutig ist. Zum Abschluss des Leonardo da Vinci Jahres anlässlich des 500. Todestages, eröffnete am 9. November 2019 die ganz auf die „Felsgrottenmadonna“ (eng. The Virgin of the Rocks) fokussierte Ausstellung. Das Bild zählt zu da Vincis Schlüsselwerk. Damit will die Ausstellung der sonst nur hastigen Konsumierung von Kunst entgegentreten und den Blick auf das Meisterwerk entschleunigen. Ob dies gelingt, lesen Sie hier.

Die „Felsgrottenmadonna“ – Zwei Versionen eines Werkes

Die „Felsgrottenmadonna“ gilt schon allein deshalb als Schlüssel zum Verständnis Leonardos, weil der notorische Nicht-Vollender, der uns kaum 20 Gemälde hinterließ, an ihr am längsten gearbeitet hat. Ganze 25 Jahre beschäftigte ihn die Komposition. 1483, kaum aus Florenz in Mailand angekommen, beauftragten die Brüder der San Francesco Kirche Leonardo mit dem Altargemälde. Weil die erste Fassung, heute im Pariser Louvre aufbewahrt, von den Auftraggebern abgelehnt…

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That’s how to make money with Instagram

Its been a while since I wrote this text, but it still has its relevance. May 2019 I am sitting in one of the countless trendy cafés in fancy Canggu, Bali, trying to think about what to do with a blog and which article I could publish first. Something profound, meaningful at least but funny … Continue reading That’s how to make money with Instagram

The National Museum of Scotland permanent exhibition on Scottish history – by Nicole Guether


The National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh is a huge and impressive museum. It was formed by a fusion of two separate institutions. The first was the 19th century former Royal Scottish Museum, which is located in the building of Victorian neo-Venetian Renaissance from the 1860s and holds collections covering science, technology, natural history and world culture. The second, the Museum of Scotland, opened in 1998 in a Le Corbusier-like modern architecture by London-based Benson & Forsyth, related to Scottish antiquities, culture and history. Thus, the two highly diverse but connected buildings house a rich collection from prehistory to our present. With several stations which invite especially young visitors into active discovery, the National Museum of Scotland promises a ‘journey through the history of Scotland, the wonders of nature and diverse cultures from around the globe.‘

National_Museum_of_Scotland_Grand_Gallery Interior of the Grand Gallery of the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, Scotland…

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